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Listen to Peter’s Pre-Game Interview.
Done by former Game Changer Haley Ryan.


peter mbanasor

A native of Austin, Texas, Peter is a senior at the University of Louisville. He is currently a student-athlete on the Cardinals’ football team. Academically, Peter has received recognition as an Athletic Director’s Honor Roll student and Athletic Coastal Conference Honor Roll student. Athletically, Mbanasor was a two-time Big 12 champion at Oklahoma. 

Due to NCAA transferring rules, Peter sat out a year after transferring from Oklahoma. During this year, Peter excelled as a Student-Athlete Advisory Committee Member, Advisor for the Athletic Coastal Conference, and a Fellowship of Christian Athletes member. These opportunities allowed Mbanasor to serve as a youth mentor, advocate for legislation impacting ACC student-athletes, and foster a relationship with the Louisville community. Peter is constantly trying to develop holistically as he strives to present himself as more than an athlete recognizing the stigma that comes with being an African-American male athlete. 

Following undergrad, Peter plans to start his Master’s in Business Administration. As a minority, Peter recognizes the extra work that must be done to achieve this. He is hoping that through the Winning Edge Game Changing Retreat, he can gain valuable information and have substantive conversations to grow personally and professionally.